Our class tonight was a learning experience! I am primarily a secondary math and science teacher. I have little or no experience with the reading process and understanding how we read and how we apply our knowledge to read text.
Opening the class with a reading activity was eye opening. I had no idea how I read. I just did it! When I had to think about the process and how I would go about decoding text and moving across the page it made me think of all the students who do not have these skills.
The videos on the science behind reading were great to watch. It was neat to understand how all of these systems are linked together.
The eye! Wow! We watched a video on how the eye works. Most amazing was the microchip that they are trying to develop to give people with visual impairments a bionic eye...the ability to see! If the optic nerve is still functioning the chip will send a message via the nerve to the brain. Wow!
It is always amazing to study the connections and synapses that are needed to do what comes so naturally to some of us...read! The science behind how we learn and how we read was very interesting to me. I am a science person and enjoy learning about these mind/body connections.
I learned a lot about the reading process tonight as peers and our instructor shared their knowledge of the steps and processes that you must undergo to read text.