Wednesday, 9 May 2012

"As a blind person, yeah, maybe I don‘t see it, but other people see it, and I want it to be, you know, just as glamorous as the next guy." This is a quote from an article by Kristen Shinohara and Jacob O. Wobbrock Titled In the Shadow of Misperception: Assistive Technology Use and Social Interactions. This article shows the results of a study of students and their perception of assistive technology. One perspective that I never considered was the aesthetic appeal of the device. The quote above is from one of the participants in the study. He did not like his orange ear buds and refused to use them because they were not glamorous. Even though he is blind he still cares how he is percieved by others. IPads and iTouches are trendy and in style. Assistive technology's impact on the user, especially teen users, would be higher if they are given a trendy device to use. one that does not set them apart from their peers but allows them to join their mobile world.