Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Implementation of Assistive Computer Technology: A Model for School Systems

This article by Karen Morrison outlines the necessary factors one needs to consider when making decisions about AT. The importance of balance between expertise in technology and pedagogy is one that is achieved with feather like precision. Some of the barriers that exist include: lack of teacher time, limited training, access to support service, limited leadership and lack of common vision or rational for ACT. These are all issues that the author brings to light while considering implementing AT.

Teachers attitudes are cited as both a problem and blessing.  Teachers need to understand the value and want to put in the time needed to make the technology work for the student.  Aside from attitudes training is essential.  Morrison also states that it is necessary to remember that each of the technologies while great will not work for all students even students who have the same needs.  This was interesting for me and a perspective that I had not yet considered.  Perhaps it is my personality that wants to organize and group things.  In the AT world it is not possible to make generalizations and categorize things.

After our last class where we looked at different models of AT assessment I can see how tailoring the assignment of AT to each student would be necessary.  A framework like SETT or HAAT would be needed to ensure the needs of each student was addressed.

Finally, on aspect of this article that resonated with me was leadership.  In all aspects of education it is necessary to have a leader.  Someone who can relay the common goal and have a shared vision.  In AT the leader would not only be able to use their leadership skills but they would need to be able to have a great handle on all the stakeholders.  A leader in this field would need to know a lot about implementation, managing resources and people (teachers, students, parents administration).  This is a huge undertaking and I now understand their role so much better.