Wednesday, 23 May 2012


I was re-introduced to a not so new software tonight. We were asked to download inspiration from its 30 day free trial version. I had first been introduced to this software back in 2002 during my B.Ed. at STFX. It is a great software to do both mind maps and concept maps. Mapping is another great way to graphically display data in an easy to read manner. Not only is it a great display tool but the actual creation of the maps themselves helps synthesize key ideas for students.

From the developers site...
For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration® 9, the ultimate thinking and learning tool. Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views. To take notes, organize information, and structure writing for plans, papers and reports, use the integrated Outline View to focus on main and supporting ideas and to clarify thinking in written form. With Inspiration's Presentation Manager, transform your diagrams, mind maps and outlines into polished presentations that communicate ideas clearly and demonstrate understanding and knowledge.

The following is an example of our concept map that we started to develop on the reading process...